Madelyn Robertson is a visual artist based in Colorado Springs, Colorado. She grew up all over the United States as a child and lived in Wiesbaden, Germany for her adolescence. Her ongoing body of work, Feminine Transgressions, is an exploration of what is lost to women living under a patriarchal structure. She is interested in the emotional relationship between gender and the self, and how individual stories based in experience of misogyny come together to create a terrifying whole.

Works from this series were created were created during two different residencies; Watershed Studio’s in Galway, Ireland, and the Summer Art Educator Residency at Moore College of Art and Design in Philadelphia Pennsylvania. Madelyn has recently sold her piece “Blood on your hands” during a University of Colorado, Colorado Springs Gallery auction. 

Madelyn graduated with a BA in Media Studies and Fine Art from the University of Colorado Colorado Springs in 2023. She was recently a teacher at Pikes Peak Artist Collective, and is a frequent attendee of Colorado Springs Artist Talks.